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I like to complain about things that have little to no effect on my life

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4 September 2021

An impromptu ScalaFXML tutorial

by razor

I’ve been working on a thingy to listen to spotify without needing to use my phone. I’ve been cycling a lot lately and my phone paired with my jbl dirtybuds is fine enough for that, but it always feels unsafe when i open the screen to fiddle around with a UI that was obviously not made for using one handed on a steering wheel mount while trying to not kill pedestrians and not get killed by cars.

So anyway, I’m now building aoede, after seeing the video of an ipod spotify client, except I hate python, so I needed a way to make nice GIUs in scala. Swing is out of the question, it’s good enough for quick tools but I wanted this thing to look presentable. Thankfully Scala has bindings to JavaFX, and there is a library for using FXML for layouts. I used to do Android and got very used to its drag and drop layout editor, so I was happy.

This is where it starts if you are coming from google

object Main extends JFXApp {
  val view = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("layout/main.fxml")
  // put your layout in the resources folder!!!
  val controller = new ControllerClass(null)
  val root = FXMLView(view, new DependenciesByType(Map(
    typeOf[ControllerClass] -> controller

  stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
    title = "whee"
    scene = new Scene(root)

That’s it, I found a tutorial for explaining how everything works on the class level but not for getting a single page running. I am now back to ranting about the spotify api.
